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Sustainability assessment, rental accounting module: Logistikbude presents software innovations at FACHPACK 2024

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Felix Lütjann
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Company/ Trade fair

Sustainability assessment, rental accounting module: Logistikbude presents software innovations at FACHPACK 2024

- Sustainability assessment makes the eco-balance of reusable management transparent
- Improved connection of partner hardware
- Opening up new business models thanks to rental billing

The Dortmund-based start-up Logistikbude is presenting three new developments for its software solution of the same name at FACHPACK 2024: a feature that visualises the life cycle assessment of reusable management, a module for rental invoicing for load carriers and an improved connection to ERP or WMS systems. This will make it even easier for companies to manage their load carriers in a cost- and resource-efficient manner.

Portrait photo of Dr Philipp Hüning Co-Founder & CEO of Logistikbude
Dr. Philipp Hüning, Co-Founder & CEO Logistikbude
‘Returnable items are essential for global supply chains, but are often neglected. Logistikbude uses a special AI-based algorithm to enable real-time transparency and process automation for retail, production and logistics. Customers can see live where their items are, where shrinkage is occurring and where there is potential for optimisation,’ says Philipp Hüning, co-founder and CEO of Logistikbude.

The Dortmund-based start-up is a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute and supports companies such as DACHSER, DB Schenker and HAWE Hydraulik in the automation and standardisation of processes with reusable objects such as pallets and containers. A new feature is a sustainability assessment that provides an insight into the ecological impact of reusable management and potential savings. This helps companies to fulfil the EU Packaging & Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR).

Simplified partner hardware connection and new business models

The Logistikbude software focuses on simplicity. The connection to systems such as ERP or WMS has been further simplified and partner hardware such as Pro Glove hand scanners and IoT sensors from Deutsche Telekom can also be quickly integrated. The new ‘Rental Accounting’ module enables companies to bill customers, suppliers and service providers for rent and shrinkage on a cost-by-cause basis. ‘This allows us to create an additional source of income without increasing manual effort,’ says Philipp Hüning. The module supports both quantity-booked and clearly labelled load carriers.

The software solution including the three innovations could be tried out at the joint stand of the ‘Young Innovators’ (stand number 2-514e in hall 2). Co-founder Dr Philipp Hüning spoke about his vision for the circular economy in the field of reusable packaging on Thursday 26 September at 12.30 p.m. in Hall 2, stand numbers 2-208 and 2-210.

Here you can download all files from the article.

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