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How do I play your quartet?

There are two ways to play the quartet game. Here’s how it works:

Variant 1: Trump Game

Shuffle the 32 cards and deal them evenly to all players. Each player holds their stack of cards in their hand, with only the top card visible.
Gameplay: Select a Value: The starting player chooses a value from their top card (e.g., “lowest weight” or “highest purchase price”).
Comparison: The other players state their value in the same category from their top card.
Round Winner: The player with the best value wins the round and takes the other players’ cards. These cards are placed at the bottom of their own stack.
Tie: If two or more players have the same best value, there is a tie. The same starting player (who chose the value in the original turn) selects a value from their new card and states it. The tie cards are placed in the middle.
Comparison: The players in the tie compare the values of their new top cards. The winner of the tie is the one with the best value in this round. They win the tie and take all the face-up cards (both the cards from the first round and the tie cards). The won cards are placed at the bottom of their stack.
New Round: The winner of the round starts the next round by selecting a new value from their top card.
Goal: The game ends when one player has all the cards and is the last one remaining.

Variant 2: Classic Quartet

Number of Players and Card Distribution:

- With 4 players, each receives 4 cards.
- With 3 players, each receives 5 cards.
- With 2 players, each receives 6 cards.

The remaining cards are placed face down in the middle of the table as a draw pile. In this variant, all hand cards can be looked at!

Goal of the Game:
To be the first to collect four cards with the same symbol (a “quartet”).

Determine the Starting Player: The player who has worked in the logistics industry the longest starts. If none of you work in logistics, the youngest player starts.
Select a Value: The starting player chooses a category from one of their hand cards, e.g., “highest purchase price” or “lowest weight,” and states the value aloud for the other players. The selected card is then placed face up in front of the player.
Lay Down Cards: All other players must also select a card from their hand and place it face up in front of them. The same category as chosen by the starting player must be compared (e.g., if “highest purchase price” was chosen, all must compare the purchase price of their card).
Comparison of Values: All face-up cards are compared, and the player with the best value (depending on the selection, either the highest or lowest value) wins the round.
Card Distribution: The players take the laid-out cards in the following order:
- First Place (best value): This player may choose two cards from the face-up cards first and take them into their hand.
- Second Place: The player with the second-best value may choose one card.
- Third Place: The player with the third-best value may also take one card.
- Last Place: The player with the worst value receives no cards in this round. With three players, this would be the third place, or the second if only two are playing.
Draw Cards:
Regardless of their placement, all players may now draw a new card from the draw pile. This phase ends once the draw pile is completely used up.
New Round: After all players have drawn their cards, the player who won the round selects the value in the next round, and the game is repeated.
End of the Game and Winner: The game ends as soon as a player manages to collect four cards with the same symbol (a quartet). This player is the winner of the game.

What challenges does the logistics shop address?

The logistics shed addresses the two central challenges in load carrier management: tracking and managing load carriers. On the one hand, the logistics booth reduces costs by a quarter due to a lack of transparency about processes and inventories, such as shrinkage, long processing times and high replenishment times. On the other hand, the effort required to document exchange processes and reconcile exchange accounts is minimized and at the same time the duration of the reconciliation process is reduced by more than half.

What distinguishes the Logistikbude solution from other providers?

The Logistikbude's solution is based on Fraunhofer technology and uses cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing, big data algorithms, artificial intelligence and IoT sensors. These are combined in such a way that old processes are not digitally mapped, but are completely automated. For the first time, the biggest challenges in load carrier management, tracking and administration are addressed together in one solution.

How long does it take before I can use your solution?

Thanks to cloud technology and SaaS pricing model, the solution is immediately ready for use. The modern cloud architecture makes the system correspondingly scalable even for large quantities of load carriers. This means that only a three-month onboarding is required, during which we train employees and transfer your data.

How much does it cost me to manage reusable objects? What does it cost me if I don't use your software?

This depends heavily on the charge carriers used and their quantity. However, using the example of a euro pallet, it can be seen that the process costs exceed the new price after just two cycles. In the case of more complex transport racks, loss and repair of just a few objects has a significant impact on the balance sheet due to high costs. In any case, the logistics shed can reduce costs by 60-80 percent and at the same time cut the handling process time by more than half.

Still have questions?

Then simply get in touch with us directly and we will help you with your request!