What load carrier management has to do with crates of beer at home

What do turnaround times have to do with the crate of beer? Almost everyone knows that moment when the beer (or any other drink) is coming to an end and the crate is slowly emptied. You then see that a new box is bought quickly. Since there are usually one or two bottles left in the box, however, the empties collect in the corner or in the cellar for now. And while full containers usually only buy one or two boxes, empties usually bring back double or three times the quantity. This “accumulation” of empties then leads to bottlenecks in breweries that we read about in the media every summer.

And exactly the same effect exists in the world's supply chains: Because the focus is on the full container, the empties are often neglected and collected at the point of consumption, such as after production. Everyone who regularly sees warehouse or production sites is familiar with the large piles of empties. At the moment, all this empties do not fulfill its actual purpose of efficiently storing and transporting goods.
This is exactly where logistics shack technology comes in: By evaluating the data in real time, it is possible to automatically reclaim empty containers. The aim here is the more economical use of existing load carriers. For example, you can set the customer or supplier to automatically receive a friendly e-mail with a request for a return 10 days after receipt of the load carriers. After a further 5 days, you can then receive two emails, etc. It is also possible to create automatic statements. For example, a fee of 10 cents per day can be charged after a holding period of 14 days or a load carrier can be charged in full as shrinkage after one month. As a result, load carriers are returned more quickly without additional personnel costs and can be reused. For example, if you get your empties back after 14 days instead of 21 days, you end up using a third less load carriers.
As is usual in logistics shops, all of this can be adjusted individually for the company and independent of load carrier types. Have we sparked your interest? We would be happy to present our product to you in a non-binding online demo: info@logistikbude.com
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